Machine Maker
15 Apr 2024

International Academy for Quality Announces Call for Applications for the Quality Sustainability Award 2024

International Academy for Quality Announces Call for Applications for the Quality Sustainability Award 2024

The International Academy for Quality (IAQ) is excited to announce the opening of applications for the esteemedQuality Sustainability Award (QSA) 2024. Now in its fifth year, the QSA continues to celebrate and encourage theintegration of quality management practices in the pursuit of sustainability in organizations worldwide.

In collaboration with the Indian Society for Quality (ISQ), which marks its fourth year of partnership, the QSAinvites Indian contenders to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable quality management. Indianapplicants have the unique opportunity to first compete at a national level, with winners advancing to the globalstage. It’s noteworthy that in the past four years, five Indian projects have gained international acclaim byreceiving the Global IAQ Quality Sustainability Award.

The QSA aligns its criteria with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), honoring projectsthat not only achieve tangible outcomes in sustainability but also utilize quality management principles,methodologies, and techniques. Eligible projects should show proven results in at least one of the UN SDGs,demonstrate the use of quality management methods, be no more than three years old, and be a result of ateam effort with clear leadership and team member roles.

“We’re proud to foster an environment that recognizes the power of quality management in driving sustainablechange,” said a spokesperson for the ISQ. “We invite Indian innovators to showcase their efforts on a globalplatform and contribute to a sustainable future for all.” For more information on eligibility, project criteria, andapplication guidelines, visit IAQ Award Website. Participants can download necessary documents, includingbrochures and application formats, at ISQ Linked Page. Applications are now open through ISQ Application Link,with a request to send confirmations of submission

IAQ believes the QSA 2024 will be a movement towards a sustainable and quality-driven world. The IAQ is aglobal non-profit organization that promotes quality advancements in various sectors by recognizing outstanding contributions to the field. Through awards like the QSA, the IAQ seeks to propel the importance of qualitymanagement as a vital tool for achieving sustainability.

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