Machine Maker
15 Apr 2024

EuroBLECH 2024: The Power of Productivity

EuroBLECH 2024: The Power of Productivity

The upcoming global flagship event in the field of sheet metal working anticipates a substantial turnout this year.Spanning nine exhibition halls and encompassing over 90,000 square meters, this year’s event presents a uniqueopportunity to witness the largest array of sheet metal working technology assembled in one location. With sixmonths remaining until the event, more than 90% of the available stand space has already been reserved.

A new feature this year includes Guided Visitor Tours, highlighting the most innovative productivity solutions toenhance output and efficiency. Scheduled from 22 to 25 October 2024, the 27th International Sheet MetalWorking Technology Exhibition,


, will once again welcome attendees to the Hannover ExhibitionGrounds in Germany. EuroBLECH is renowned as the world’s largest exhibition for sheet metal processing,covering the entire supply chain across 15 different technology sectors.

Visitors can anticipate a wealth of live demonstrations and world premieres, offering a chance to explore,evaluate, and discuss the advantages of specific

technology solutions

for their own production processes.EuroBLECH 2024 will occupy halls 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, and 27 at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds, thelargest exhibition center globally. The demand for stand space has been remarkable, particularly frominternational exhibitors, with over 60% of exhibitors originating from outside Germany.

This underscores the global significance of the sheet metal sector in the broader economy. In addition toGermany, major exhibitor countries include Italy, Turkey, China, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Taiwan,Belgium, Austria, France, and the USA. EuroBLECH offers a multitude of opportunities to witness cutting-edgemachinery in action. Interestingly, over a quarter of EuroBLECH attendees do not visit any other trade shows, asthey believe EuroBLECH provides the best access to a wide range of technology suppliers.

The exhibits at EuroBLECH cover everything related to metal sheet processing, tubes, profiles, plastic hybrids,and other related applications. Visitors can explore stamping presses, CNC punching machines, press brakes,and various other cutting, punching, and forming tools and machines. The exhibition also showcases equipmentfor joining, welding, and fastening, as well as surface treatment and finishing.

Additionally, visitors can explore process control and quality assurance tools, machine components,CAD/CAM/CIM systems, warehouse and factory equipment, material recycling solutions, and more. For theupcoming EuroBLECH event, organizers have arranged carefully curated visitor tours, a first-time offering. Thisyear’s theme, ‘The Power of Productivity’, is reflected in these tours, which focus on technology that enhancesproductivity. The tours will feature 10-minute presentations at each stop, followed by a brief Q&A session.

Attendees can choose from two tour options. Tour 1, titled “Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)”, will cover topicssuch as big data, remote analysis, predictive maintenance, production monitoring, and part traceability.Participants will explore various products, tools, and software designed to help them plan, optimize, and monitorproduction processes to improve overall productivity, efficiency, and sustainability.

Tour 2, named “Automation and Robotics for Efficient Production”, will demonstrate how integrated, bolt-on, orstand-alone automation and robotics systems can streamline production operations, even for small batches,leading to greater sustainability and productivity. These systems can include handling, sorting, conveyor,storage, and stacking systems, as well as robots, co-bots, and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs).

More information on booking the Guided Visitor Tours will be available on the EuroBLECH website closer to theevent. Alongside the innovative products and live demonstrations on the exhibition stands, attendees can benefitfrom the EuroBLECH 2024 Speaker Forum, featuring two dedicated presentation theatres for expert talks andpanel discussions. Sessions will run on all four days of the show, providing insights into the latest projects,product developments, networking opportunities, and exchange among peers.

The speaker agenda will be released closer to the event. The prestigious EuroBLECH Industry Awards are alsomaking a return at EuroBLECH 2024, recognizing the most innovative products, solutions, and digitalizationconcepts across various categories. Winners will be selected by industry professionals through online voting,beginning in autumn 2024, and the awards will be presented at the exhibition. More details will be announcedleading up to the event.

With over 90% of available stand space already booked, companies interested in showcasing their products atEuroBLECH 2024 are encouraged to contact the Show Team promptly. All relevant exhibitor information can befound on the show website, including stand options such as the myEuroBLECH Easy Package with a shell schemeoffer and the First Time Exhibitor Package, which offers a turnkey solution and marketing package at acompetitive price.

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